

You can easily configure Elpy to your own preferences. All Customize Options below are accessible via this interface. Elpy builds heavily upon existing extensions for Emacs. The configuration interface tries to include the options for those as well.

M-x elpy-config

Show the current Elpy configuration, point out possible problems, and provide a quick interface to relevant customization options.

Missing packages can be installed right from this interface. Be aware that this does use your currently-selected virtual env. If there is no current virtual env, it will suggest installing packages globally. This is rarely what you want.

The RPC Process

Elpy works by starting a Python process in the background and communicating with it through a basic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface. Ideally, you should never see this process and not worry about it, but when things don’t work as expected, it’s good to know what’s going on in the background.

Every project and virtual env combination gets their own RPC process. You can see them both in the process list (M-x list-process) as well as in the buffer list (C-x C-b) as buffers named *elpy-rpc[...]*.

By default, Elpy will also find the library root of the current file and pass that to the RPC functions. The library root is the directory from which the current file can be imported.

There are a few options and commands related to the RPC process.

M-x elpy-rpc-restart

Close all running RPC processes. Elpy will re-start them on demand with current settings.

elpy-rpc-python-command (Customize Option)

The Python interpreter Elpy should use to run the RPC process. This defaults to "python", which should be correct for most cases, as a virtual env should make that the right interpreter.

Please do note that this is not an interactive interpreter, so do not set this to "ipython" or similar.

elpy-rpc-large-buffer-size (Customize Option)

The size in character starting from which Elpy will transfer buffer contents via temporary files instead of via the normal RPC mechanism.

When Elpy communicates with the RPC process, it often needs to tell Python about the contents of the current buffer. As the RPC protocol encodes all data in JSON, this can be a bit slow for large buffers. To speed things up, Elpy can transfer file contents in temporary files, which is a lot faster for large files, but slightly slower for small ones.

elpy-rpc-pythonpath (Customize Option)

A directory to add to the PYTHONPATH for the RPC process. This should point to the directory where the elpy module is installed. Usually, there is no need to change this.


For introspection and analysis of Python sources, Elpy mainly relies on Jedi. Jedi is known to have some problems coping with badly-formatted Python.

Virtual Envs

Elpy has full support for Python’s virtual envs. Every RPC process is associated with a specific virtual env and completions are done based on that environment.

Outside of RPC processes, though, it is not easy to have more than one virtual env active at the same time. Elpy allows you to set a single global virtual env and change it whenever you like, though.

M-x pyvenv-workon
M-x pyvenv-activate
M-x pyvenv-deactivate

These commands are the main interaction point with virtual envs, mirroring the normal activate and deactivate commands of virtual envs and the workon command of

The pyvenv-workon command will allow auto-completion of existing virtual envs and also supports virtualenvwrapper’s setup hooks to set environment variables.

Elpy won’t pollute your Emacs command namespaces, but it might be an idea to create an alias for the workon command:

(defalias 'workon 'pyvenv-workon)


As the last concept, Elpy has a number of optional features you can enable or disable as per your preferences.

elpy-modules (Customize Option)

The list of modules to activate by default. See the section on Writing Modules for details on how to write your own modules.